I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure

John 10:10

The Seventh-day adventist church „Sofia-West” is part of the bigger familiy of churches here in Bulgaria and throughout the world.
Our mission is to fulfil the great commandment of Jesus Christ from Matthew 28:19-20 by sharing the Gospel with our fellow human beings, namely that anybody can be saved from sin and have an eternal life in Jesus Christ as their sole Savior. We believe that we’ve been called out to make disciples of Jesus that aim to live according to the principles of faith, guided to serve the society and warn the world of the imminent coming of the Lord!

The vision of our church is to be a loving, open, and accepting community of disciples of Christ who minister to the needs, grow in virtue, and worship their Creator in spirit and truth. We want to be a truly loving family of God, practicing the four core values accepted by all of us:

Connecting We strive to create authentic and loving relationships between generations and to be open to each other. Loving relationships are our “business card” to all visitors.

Worship – We encourage the experience of worship as a daily practice of the gospel and finding opportunities to experience the Sabbath as a special testimony. It is of great importance for us to experience daily the joy of living with God as well as the power of our joint worship!

Ministry – We follow the example of Jesus Christ in caring for people’s needs and discovering new ways of serving. We are open to look for and support people with particular needs according to the gifts and abilities we develop for the glory of God!

Teaching – We encourage everyone to participate and create learning opportunities to enreach their knowledge and understanding of the Gospel, their gifts and abilities. We are ready to learn and teach others in order to become more and more like Christ!

Belive in God!

God is the most Unique Personality in the universe.

Our beliefs

Seventh-day adventists believe in the authority and infallibility of the Scripture and teach that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Our history

The Seventh day Adventist church is a Christian church with Protestant roots, originating from the second half of the 19th century in the USA.

The project of our dreams

This building, modern and respectful is the project of our dreams! A dream inspired by His Spirit, without ambition! A dream that we expect God to fulfill, because He is a Great God!
With small but bold steps of faith, today we are purposefully moving towards its realization. Our desire is for God to build this magnificent building and turn it into a HOME. Because we believe that this is also His dream!

In our hearts we see this home as:
– a vault for our heavenly heritage
– a table of Divine love
– school for Christ‘s standards
– incubator for evangelical inspiration and service

This home will be the quietest place, where humble worship and dedication will take root, and at the same time – the noisiest place, because the echo of joyful cries of praise and gratitude will resound in the distance.

We are ready to accept the challenge from God as soon as we enter our new home, to always keep heavens open with our hands raised for worship and intercession, and also to tear down the walls of the building with our love so that all those longing for His presence have full access!
Today, we share our dream with everyone, humbly realizing that both the pencil and the eraser are in God’s hands! We strongly believe in His intentions for the success of this endeavor, as well as in your support.

How long will it take us to cross the threshold of our new home – we do not know. The fundraising donation campaign is a chance for this to happen soon!

Welcome to our church

Sofia, Bulgaria
5 Dobri Nemirov st.
floor 1, big hall (Lulin Plaza)


10:00 Sabbath school
11:30 Sabbath morning worship